Thoughts of My Anxious Mind During My Stay on Earth

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Isabella Sam

Earth, where my home is and on which I walk is the only planet known to Human Beings that supports life.

Is this magic? Are we living in a mirage? or Is this a dream? Well for the past several years it is been turning into a nightmare. From forest to flat roads, garbage littered places and dirty filthy roads. Why is it that only nature is natural and every thing those man made is artificial? Why can’t artificial be natural? Are Humans an advanced form of virus; gathering and multiplying in groups destroying and moving on to greener grounds, yet again to destroy?

The tale now is that we have multiplied and we have been nomads all over the Earth. Resources are rapidly depleting. Every page is turned, but the end has not yet come. We still have time. We still have the opportunity to realize that if there is a great flood coming our way, we had done our part in some way to delay its coming.

So,I checked on the internet and typed “how to stop”. A list came scrolling down and next to “How to stop hair fall” was “How to stop global warming”. Both are widely discussed topics. Just as we would like to stop hair fall we can also give back all the love and care this beautiful planet has given us without asking anything from us in return.

So, I am going to do my part following an Eight Fold Path. Are you ready to take that path?

Eight-Fold Path for an Eco-Friendly Living

  • Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL).
  • Choose energy efficient appliances while making new purchases.
  • Keep your fridge and freezer away from cooker or boiler.
  • Cover your pots while cooking.
  • Use clotheslines instead of dryers.
  • Reuse shopping bags.
  • Plant more trees.
  • Use mass transit whenever and wherever possible.